Sunday, January 31, 2010


Chase Reed 1/31/10
Frederick Douglass Academy 602

The book I'm reading is "A Chet Gecko Mystery: The Mystery of Mr. Nice" by Bruce Hale. I think millions of people may have read this book because in 2007 and 2008 it was the best saling kids book. Also I think that alot of people have read it because almost every one chose this book when we did book talks. I would recommend this book to any one because first it is exciting, second is that it is like a normal school day but just as animals, and third it makes you think 'Sould he have done that? What would I do if i were him?'. A book I would like to read is a book called "A Child Named It". This book is not connect to the Chet Gecko series at all this, is a book I have been looking for in the class library to read. I found out about this book through a 7th grader in my school they were talking about it and what it was about. I think I have read 17 book through out this school year.

1 comment:

Editor said...

Good answers to the questions — just three things: did "almost everyone" choose that book during book talks? I think I remember one person talking about it. Make sure that when you are writing, you are choosing accurate words.

Make sure your periods and other punctuation are INSIDE your quotation marks. When you have a question mark, you don't need a period too.

Finally, please read your posts carefully for spelling a grammar. I think you would catch small mistakes like "17 book".

I'm looking forward to hearing whether you like "A Child Called It."

Mr. Enders